Monday, April 24, 2006

Inside Edge Reloaded!

Hello folks!


I finally got some time off in the last few days to redesign my Blog. I hope you would find the current format better and good looking. Anyways, I had received some emails from some of my friends asking that my Blog is not opening. As a matter of fact, the problem was with the BlogSpot domains which has not been solved yet. Many other users of BlogSpot are experiencing the same problems. But I have fixed it for myself and hope no one would be facing any problems in seeing my Blog atleast.

Secondly, now you can reach on my Blog through the following other addresses:

For those who are facing problems in viewing my Blog through address then please bookmark the above mentioned three addresses.

I would be posting regularly from now on. There would be some other cool changes you would see on my Blog in near future.

If you have any comments on the new format of my Blog then mail

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